Sunday, August 12, 2012

yet more Christian terrorism?

Increased security needed after mosque burning, says Muslim civil rights group:

A Muslim civil rights group is calling for stepped-up security around the nation's mosques after a suspicious fire burned down the Joplin, Mo., Islamic Cener early Monday morning.
Ibrahim Hooper, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), says that the Joplin mosque fire and the shooting attack at a Sikh temple near Milwaukee on Sunday have him worried for the safety of those attending services at local mosques during the holy week of Ramadan. On Tuesday, an unknown vandal also smashed the sign of a mosque in Rhode Island, says Hooper. His organization has called for increased police presence around mosques, though it's unclear if any departments will oblige.
The most recent fire came only five weeks after the Joplin mosque's security camera recorded an unidentified man setting fire to the mosque in the middle of the night. That blaze was stopped before it caused too much damage, though the FBI has not found the culprit. The mosque, which now lies in ashes, served about 50 families in the area.

Monday, August 6, 2012

More Christian Terrorism?

Police identify Army veteran as Wisconsin temple shooting gunman - An Army veteran who neighbors say played in a far right punk band was the lone shooter in the rampage at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that killed six people and wounded four, according to information Monday from law enforcement authorities.
Wade Michael Page, 40, was shot to death by police responding to the Sunday morning attack in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, the community's chief of police told reporters.
It was the latest violence against the Sikh community in the United States in apparent misdirected revenge for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

George Eliot's Essay: Evangelical Teaching: Dr. Cumming

Take the time to read this and see if you don't recognize countless contemporary evangelical preachers in this.  Her attack on Dr. Cumming is timeless. Snippet:

George Eliot's Essay: Evangelical Teaching: Dr. Cumming: This leads us to mention another conspicuous characteristic of Dr. Cumming's teaching--the absence of genuine charity. It is true that he makes large profession of tolerance and liberality within a certain circle; he exhorts Christians to unity; he would have Churchmen fraternize with Dissenters, and exhorts these two branches of God's family to defer the settlement of their differences till the millennium. But the love thus taught is the love of the clan, which is the correlative of antagonism to the rest of mankind. It is not sympathy and helpfulness toward men as men, but toward men as Christians, and as Christians in the sense of a small minority. Dr. Cumming's religion may demand a tribute of love, but it gives a charter to hatred; it may enjoin charity, but it fosters all uncharitableness. If I believe that God tells me to love my enemies, but at the same time hates His own enemies and requires me to have one will with Him, which has the larger scope, love or hatred?